Facial acupuncture involves the insertion of fine intradermal needles, much smaller and finer than an average acupuncture needle; the needles rarely insert deep enough to draw blood, but just deep enough to encourage the flow of blood to the area with the intention of smoothing out wrinkles and enabling the fading of scar tissue. Acupuncture conducted in this manner also has the effect of initiating the body’s own endogeneous healing process, thus revitalising the skin and giving it a healthy glow.
Acupuncture treatments are commonly paired with Chinese herbal medicine and topical herbal washes alongside jade stone massage to give a more grounded and natural experience during the treatment program.
Throughout one’s journey in life, the elements of the world- be it radiation from the sun, cold harsh climates or stress from life- all take their collective toll on one’s skin and this, coupled with internal factors such as poor diet, inadequate sleep and poor hydration will cause the skin to age faster and heal slower through time.
Fortunately, Traditional Chinese Medicine has a rich history of skin healing, dermatology and beauty therapy and true to its holistic nature, treatment with Chinese medicine treats the body whole, so the beauty manifesting from good health can shine through.
Acne and whiteheads caused by hormonal and emotional factors can be treated quickly and effectively and skin conditions stemming from autoimmune disorders such as psoriasis or chronic allergies such as eczema and dermatitis can be effectively managed and controlled with a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
The focus of treatment will generally rest on herbal therapy-both topical and internal- whilst acupuncture will serve to rebalance hormonal imbalances and ameliorate contributing lifestyle factors such as stress and insomnia. Throughout this process, we aim to balance your body’s yin and yang and work with your body’s natural healing processes to bring out the beauty within.