This clinic specialises and excels in all forms of musculoskeletal rehabilitaiton be it acute disorders such as bone fractures or ligament tears or chronic disorders such as frozen shoulder or various repetitive strain injuries.
The most common musculoskeletal problems we tend to see usually involves the lower back, and in this, acupuncture excels as one of the best options available for lower back problems stemming from herniated discs, strained muscles, or osteoarthritis. For chronic disorders, we usually recommend topical and internal herbal prescriptions to be used in conjunction with acupuncture therapy.
Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke or cerebrovascular accidents occur when a portion of the brain is deprived of blood, oxygen and other nutrients leading to cell death. Since not all strokes are alike, the severity of impairment can depend on the location of the infarct and duration of the stroke. Risk factors such as smoking or high blood pressure can increase the chances of suffering a stroke.
In China and Taiwan (ROC), it’s recommended that stroke patients begin acupuncture treatments within the first 6 months of onset as these first 6 months are the absolute golden window of opportunity for a patient to increase maximum range of movement and improved muscle tone.
As an adjunct therapy, acupuncture can be paired to physiotherapy and pharmaceuticals so as to increase quality of life and improve patient outcomes.